Tuesday, January 31, 2012



2012-02-02 Minority Report 關鍵報告
2012-02-03 Vanilla Sky 香草天空
2012-02-04 The Town 竊盜城
2012-02-05 Black Ransom 撕票風雲
2012-02-05 Due Date 臨門湊一腳
2012-02-22 The Lookout 監守自盜

Monday, January 30, 2012






Sunday, January 29, 2012



Thursday, January 26, 2012

[議題]MU is taken down! Due to S.O.P.A US Government







Citizens of the United States, We are Anonymous.

This is an urgent emergency alert to all people of the United States. The day we've all been waiting for has unfortunately arrived. The United States is censoring the internet. Our blatant response is that we will not sit while our rights are taken away by the government we trusted them to preserve. This is not a call to arms, but a call to recognition and action!

The United States government has mastered this corrupt way of giving us a false sense of freedom. We think we are free and can do what we want, but in reality we are very limited and restricted as to what we can do, how we can think, and even how our education is obtained. We have been so distracted by this mirage of freedom, that we have just become what we were trying to escape from.

For too long, we have been idle as our brothers and sisters were arrested. During this time, the government has been scheming, plotting ways to increase censorship through means of I S P block aides, D N S blockings, search engine censorship, website censorship, and a variety of other methods that directly oppose the values and ideas of both Anonymous as well as the founding fathers of this country, who believed in free speech and press!

The United States has often been used as an example of the ideal free country. When the one nation that is known for its freedom and rights start to abuse its own people, this is when you must fight back, because others are soon to follow. Do not think that just because you are not a United States citizen, that this does not apply to you. You cannot wait for your country to decide to do the same. You must stop it before it grows, before it becomes acceptable. You must destroy its foundation before it becomes too powerful.

Has the U.S. government not learned from the past? Has it not seen the 2011 revolutions? Has it not seen that we oppose this wherever we find it and that we will continue to oppose it? Obviously the United States Government thinks they are exempt. This is not only an Anonymous collective call to action. What will a Distributed Denial of Service attack do? What's a website de face ment against the corrupted powers of the government? No. This is a call for a worldwide internet and physical protest against the powers that be. Spread this message everywhere. We will not stand for this! Tell your parents, your neighbors, your fellow workers, your school teachers, and anyone else you come in contact with. This affects anyone that desires the freedom to browse anonymously, speak freely without fear of retribution, or protest without fear of arrest.

Go to every I R C network, every social network, every online community, and tell them of the atrocity that is about to be committed. If protest is not enough, the United States government shall see that we are truly legion and we shall come together as one force opposing this attempt to censor the internet once again, and in the process discourage any other government from continuing or trying.

We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive censorship.
We do not forget the denial of our free rights as human beings.
To the United States government, you should've expected us.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

[影集]Sherlock Season 2

劇名: 《Sherlock》(S2)
類型: 推理 / 劇情
頻道: BBC one
年份: 2010 -
演員: Benedict Cumberbatch... as Sherlock Holmes
           Martin Freeman... as Dr. John Watson
集數: 3集

這種東西好像有一就會有二... 由於已寫過第一季介紹,所以這篇就只寫個大概囉!



〈2.01 A Scandal in Belgravia 貝爾戈維亞的醜聞〉

〈2.02 The Hounds of Baskerville 巴斯克維爾的獵犬〉
同樣懸疑與詭異,影集將〈巴斯克維爾的獵犬〉和不可告人軍事單位之秘密實驗概念巧妙地連結起來,造就一篇充滿妄想的瘋狂故事。個人認為本集雖然不若前一集來得好看,但整體水準仍是比第一季要來得高。倒是觀看時一直在納悶那位有被害妄想的有錢少爺(Russell Tovey)究竟是誰,原來他是英版《Being Human》的狼人...hum......他真的很適合演這類的角色 XD

〈2.03 The Reichenbach Fall 萊辛巴赫之殞落〉

p.s. 我不是影評,只是一個看完電視便忍不住想寫些東西的電視兒童 :P

Thursday, January 12, 2012

[機造]The Hells Have Eggs


法國魔獸機造作者Olibith的新作品"The Hells Have Eggs",典型的虐殺驚悚路線,劇本很棒,製作出來的效果完全不輸真人電影。個人覺得機造影片在製作過程中雖無須多少成本,但難度比真人運鏡還要難上數百倍。

由於裡頭有多種語言參與角色配音,因此建議開啟字幕,雖然目前只有英文字幕(中文文字幕由AFK承包翻譯中),但詞彙相當簡單何況裡頭還有中文...btw! 中文配音由AFK成員愛普拉獻聲!

Warning! 內有極端誇張的血腥暴力內容,觀看之前請先三思!

"The Hells Have Eggs"

"The Hells Have Eggs" Trailer

Sunday, January 8, 2012


第一次聽見法國嘻哈 / 電子樂隊Outlines的作品,是法國科幻動畫《The Prodigies》用於片尾曲的〈I Cannot Think〉(收錄於《The Prodigies OST》與Outlines同名EP中),該曲同時也是Outlines的最新代表作。

Jérôme Hadey, Jay 1 and Irfane Khan-Acito

專長於嘻哈與電子組曲的法國樂隊Outlines,由主唱Irfane Khan-Acito, Jérôme Hadey和Jay 1這三位相識已久的好友共同組成。由於主唱Irfane Khan-Acito和Jérôme Hadey兩人曾分別在美國與德國待過一段時間,因此樂隊音樂風格受美國嘻哈與德國電子合成樂相當程度的影響。

其所推出目前已知的作品分別有《Just A Lil' Lovin》(EP, 2003), 《Our Lives Are Too Short》(2007), 《Waiting In Line》(EP, 2007), 《Visions》(Single, 2009), 《I Cannot Think》(EP, 2011)五張,以上在iTunes Store上都找得到。

Anyway, 雖沒認真聽過每首作品,但個人最愛的除了〈I Cannot Think〉外,由東岸嘻哈天團武當幫(Wu-Tang Clan)靈魂人物、現為音樂製作人的RZA所跨刀合聲的〈Visoins〉更是令人不禁瘋狂looping的單曲。

〈I Cannot Think〉原收錄在《The Prodigies》原聲帶中,後來Outlines將這首重編旋律並另拍了支微MV,和原聲帶版相較既俏皮又亂來 XD 當初聽時還想這和原聲帶版也未免差太多!不過個人較喜歡原聲帶版的,所以只放這支,想看重編版請移駕這邊

White boy soul call it rock and roll 
If it glitters it must be gold 
Conference calls are put on hold 
Let's burn together and lose control 

You keep me hungry while you eat me alive 
With you daggers and your hungry knives 
You keepme thirsty while you drink me alive 
Drink the blood of my nine to five 
and I know 
There must be a link between you and the ink 
That I use and abuse until I cannot think 

I keep my hopes in a distant fire (I cannot think) 
Burnin' burnin' with your desire (I cannot think) 
I keep my hopes in a distant fire (I cannot think) 
Burnin' burnin' with your desire (How can I think) 

I keep my hopes in a distant fire (I cannot think) 
Burnin' burnin' with your desire (I cannot think) 
I keep my hopes in a distant fire (I cannot think) 
Burnin' burnin' with your desire (How can I think) 

White boy soul call it new or old 
Pocket aces, you'd better fold 
The greatest story that's never been told 
Let's burn together as we loose control 

You keep me hungry while you eat me alive 
With you daggers and your hungry knives 
You keep me thirsty while you drink me alive 
Drink the blood of my hundredth wife 
and I know 
There must be a link between you and the ink 
That I use and abuse until I cannot think 

I keep my hopes in a distant fire (I cannot think) 
Burnin' burnin' with your desire (I cannot think) 
I keep my hopes in a distant fire (I cannot think) 
Burnin' burnin' with your desire (How can I think) 
I keep my hopes in a distant fire (I cannot think) 
Burnin' burnin' with your desire (How can I think) 

I cannot think (I keep my hopes)


I got visions in my mind, of a world of peace
Without hunger, or hate, or poverty
Where there's freedom, justice, and equality
No problems, son, the next bottle's on me
Sometimes you may see me in the '70's style
With the nappy afro and the heavenly smile
Thinking of a world with no pain
Where no man hits a woman, no woman hits a man
Vision in my head of a world with no lead
And Martin wouldn't have died from the hole in his head
The devil time is up, so pick those nines up
Pick up your books and build your mind up
It's simple as ABC, 123
I'm envisioning the world, of G-O-D
Arm Leg Leg Arm Head, Supreme head
We won't rest, until every mouth is fed

[Irfane Khan-Acito]
I've got these visions in my mind
Where I can save all of mankind
Trying to be brave, trying to be strong
Get everyone to get along
There's always something that goes wrong
I've got these visions in my mind
Where I can see, the finish line
So I run fast and I can hear
The cloud around me disappear
Old man, he whispers in my ear

[Chorus: Irfane Khan-Acito]
You keep on praying to the sky
You'll never know until you try
You keep on praying to the sky
You'll never know until you try
You keep on praying to the sky
You'll never know until you try
You keep on praying to the sun
You'll never know until it's done

[Irfane Khan-Acito]
I've got these visions in my mind
Where I can save all of mankind
Trying to be brave, trying to be strong
Get everyone to get along
There's always something that goes wrong
I've got these visions in my mind
Where I go back, way back in time
I travel sand, mountain and sea
Looking for something desperately
And then the sirens sing to me (they sing to me)


[Irfane Khan-Acito]
I've got these visions in my mind...

p.s. 同篇介紹另刊載於個人的Tumblr上 w