Friday, October 22, 2010

[音樂]搖滾樂中的另類福音-Thousand Foot Krutch (2)

專輯名稱:《The Art of Breaking》
發行年份: 2005
歌手名稱: Thousand Foot Krutch
唱片公司: Tooth & Nail

繼續介紹TFK,上篇內容可以點這複習 ;)

McNevan最早曾組了個名叫"Oddball"的樂團,該樂團在1995年宣告解散,期間僅發行一張專輯《Shutterbug》。在Oddball解散的同時,McNevan與樂團吉他手兼好友Dave Smith一同為即將成立的新樂團尋找成員,接著在1997年正式組成TFK。

之所以用"Thousand Foot Krutch"這個名字,McNevan曾說:

"Symbolizing the point in our lives that we realize we can't make it on our own strength."


"Thousand Foot"意指千足 / 很多隻腳。而"Krutch"是一個姓氏,譯為克魯奇,但以TFK無窮的創造力來猜測,Krutch這個字有可能是"crutch 拐杖"的變形。若以crutch與Thousand Foot搭配進行解讀,McNevan所說的「通力合作」的解釋便能成立。

Trevor McNevan或許能被稱為加拿大樂壇的多產歌手。擁有歌手、作曲人及音樂家身份的McNevan除了TFK,也與現任鼓手Steve Augustine共同經營分支樂團"FM Static",至今已發行三張專輯與多支單曲。此外,他也常和其他樂團或歌手進行音樂上的合作交流,甚至為在曲棍球界的好友譜寫個人主題曲。

2005年發行的第四張專輯《The Art of Breaking》,TFK跳脫以往嘻哈說唱為主的新金屬曲風,改以從未接觸過的重金屬為主要元素進行創作。這張專輯中,以"Absolute"、"Move"、"Breathe You In"三首最受樂迷歡迎。其中又以"Move"最具知名度,除了登上2006上半年告示牌搖滾類排行榜第16名外,也是此專輯唯一拍成MV的歌曲。


"Move"原版MV點此觀看 ;)


TFK "Move" - Live- 04.20.08 Hagerstown, MD

Thousand Foot Krutch
(The Album Lyrics)

Look, listen to my voice
If you're making the choice
Tell me all the girls and the boys
Either scream or rejoice
Let's make that noise
Either move or we will all be destroyed

Move and show me what you can do
When you step into the circle and shake like we do
Move when you just can't take it
And move if you just feel like breaking it

Can you hear me? Stop, look, listen to my voice,
It was never my choice to feel all alone
This is my home
Back up , you don't know if you've never been here,
You've never been to the place inside, I face my fears
It takes everything I am

Move and show me what you can do
When you step into the circle and shake like we do
Move when you just can't take it
And move if you just feel like breaking it

Move and show me what you can do
When you step into the circle and shake like we do
Move when you just can't take it
And move if you just feel like breaking it

If you come near me, stop, look, listen to my voice
If you're making the choice tell all the girls and the boys
Either scream or rejoice
Let's make that noise
Either move or we will all be destroyed
Back up and let go if you've never been here,
You've never been to the place inside, I face my fears,
It takes everything I am

Move and show me what you can do
When you step into the circle and shake like we do
Move when you just can't take it
And move if you just feel like breaking it

Move and show me what you can do
When you step into the circle and shake like we do
Move when you just can't take it
And move if you just feel like breaking it

I come crashing to the floor
And I know there must be more like me
I've seen this all before, I can't carry this anymore, break free
Breath, and leave until the storm is over
'Cause underneath, there's a diamond passing over
So breath, let's leave until the storm is over,
Because I want to take you away

Move and show me what you can do
When you step into the circle and shake like we do
Move when you just can't take it
And move if you just feel like breaking it

Move and show me what you can do
When you step into the circle and shake like we do
Move when you just can't take it
And move if you just feel like breaking it

Move and show me what you can do
When you step into the circle and shake like we do
Move when you just can't take it
And move if you just feel like breaking it

Move and show me what you can do
When you step into the circle and shake like we do
Move when you just can't take it
And move if you just feel like breaking it



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